connecting switches

after I decided to save you and myself from spying eyes of Google Analytics, I don’t really look at my blog web statistics. just glancing over logs shows you’re reading - and that’s about all if you ask me. I noticed however, that for some mysterious reason (the doc is almost two decades old!), my very old article about connecting the switches together still gets downloaded like 30-50 times a month (I’m counting only non-bot downloads), and sometimes even more often. ...

January 22, 2021 · Łukasz Bromirski

world wide convergence of BGP

Daniel Dib asked recently on Twitter about BGP convergence time for world wide operations. two hours he got in response from his friend seemed a bit too long. I did recently help to spin up new ASN with new IPv4 prefix (well, both came from second hand, but you get the point) and as far as I could tell, propagation took around 15 minutes maximum. so in the interest of self-education, I started digging. ...

September 24, 2020 · Łukasz Bromirski

when GUI export fails...

…you have to get back to good old CLI. i’m trying to export VM from very remote VMware vSphere 5.1 to OVA. unfortunately, packing 40GB is not apparently easy, as the whole process fails at different stages with error called by VMware simply timeout (yeah, kudos for brevity). so you have to enable SSH and then copy whole directory with SCP. for optimal transfer from remote location it make sense to use additional parameters: -C and -o CompressionLevel=9 to get locally fully functional and packed OVA: scp -C -o CompressionLevel=9 xyz@zdalne_IP:/vmfs/volumes/very-long-uuid-string/vm_name/\* . ...

April 6, 2013 · Łukasz Bromirski

confidence 2009 take 2 - post show

druga edycja CONFidence 2009 w tym roku, a już siódma ogólnie zakończyła się parę godzin temu. zgodnie z przewidywaniami mieliśmy dużo dobrej zabawy, całą rzeszę prelegentów wraz z ciekawymi sesjami i oczywiście - was. widzów, uczestników i aktywnych współtwórców konferencji (a przecież, jak doskonale wiemy, ostatnio nie każdy ma to szczęście :D). sesje i materiały z sesji, oraz materiały dodatkowe będą pojawiać się z czasem na stronie konferencji. moja prezentacja znajduje się jak zwykle w secji z prezentacjami. ...

November 20, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski