load sharing, part one

if you happen to have more than one internet connection and they have different usable bandwidths - which is no longer a rarity today - it becomes interesting element in network design. how would you use these links optimally? i have to admit, that i was provoked to sit down and write down this series of post by Marcin Ślęczek post on ccie.pl forum. Marcin is CEO of networkers.pl but by heart, he’s network engineer and sometimes fights with interesting problems. although I already had in my head something like solution to the problem I was struggling with in my home network, the inability to solve Marcin’s problem immediately provoked me to describe the problem and potential solutions from the inside out. ...

January 7, 2021 · Łukasz Bromirski

technology is just a tool

…but tools have to be used responsibly. first of all, short disclaimer - I’d like to make it perfectly clear before we go into this long piece, that I’m a: …big fan of discussing merits of technology and technology overall. I love technology. I believe having opportunity to create networks, solutions that really connect people and give us chance to exchange information is something I could do for the rest of my life, with full focus and commitment. ...

December 28, 2020 · Łukasz Bromirski

FRRouting, OpenBGPd and BIRD

as you may have read recently I was playing with open source routing protocol packages again. from pure CLI familiarity reasons, I kept myself to FRRouting, which is evolution of Quagga, which itself is evolution of Zebra. and Zebra syntax and CLI is based on Cisco IOS. ...

October 22, 2020 · Łukasz Bromirski

bgp in the lab #3

after last blog on sharing full bgp feed for IPv4, I got a number of interesting questions. given many of you were asking to have also IPv6 available, I decided to extend the project to cover that as well. disclaimer you’re doing this ON YOUR OWN. i’m not responsible for anything on your end and service itself. so if it crashes your router, makes all traffic to follow different paths, or essentially anything that you can’t control - you’re completely on your own. ...

October 7, 2020 · Łukasz Bromirski


thanks to inspiration from Robert Woźny, i’ve just launched two separate AS112 sites in Poland. that would never be possible without great folks at ATMAN: Sebastian Olejnik and Damian Nowacki …and at EPIX: Krzysztof Czuszek and Paweł Staszewski what is AS112 all about? as112 AS112 is world-wide project that sinkholes requests coming in from misbehaving or misconfigured DNS clients (which may be your home PC but also some enterprise-y workstation). they send queries looking for answers to questions like “what’s the name of” and because that’s not contained as it should be on the local or company level, it goes all up to the root servers. the question itself may be valid, but as you can see, IP address comes from RFC 1918 space, and therefore - shouldn’t be even appearing in public internet space. either we close those queries at the local level, or they really don’t make much sense once you cross private<>public border. actually, malicious actor could be abusing such queries, responding them in a way that will open your network to attack. ...

September 29, 2020 · Łukasz Bromirski


starting from tomorrow, we’re launching another edition of PLNOG conference. as usually, I’d like to invite you to join us. I’ll be delivering session about Segment Routing with Piotr Jabłoński during second day of the conference, at 4:15pm. as Segment Routing was already covered couple of times, we’ll focus on practical deployment guide in existing networks. I’ll be also demoing some of the aspects we’ll cover live during the session. ...

September 27, 2020 · Łukasz Bromirski

redundant IPv6 tunnel from HE with HSRP

one of the interesting and rarely seen configuration options, is ability to have redundant IPv6 tunnel established from source address tracked by HSRP. if you’re limited by other side of communication - in this example Hurricane Electric - to have only one endpoint of tunnel on your side that’s right tool for task. the way this configuration would work, is that router active in HSRP pair will be the one on which tunnel will be active and forwarding. we’ll be demonstrating this on IPv6 over IPv4 example, but tunnel type doesn’t really matter. ...

August 31, 2020 · Łukasz Bromirski


recently during casual browsing of WLAN controller i spotted that sometimes users are having problems with receiving responses from DHCP server. i was suprised, as family doesn’t complain - and they’d do that immediately. well, so i went troubleshooting element by element. obviously, switches were primary suspect. why? everything was working, and those DHCP problems were very, very rare - that may mean drops on switch interfaces. Cisco QoS configuration on Catalyst and Nexus switches is far from easy. comparing this however to other vendors… there’s really nothing to compare. on one side you can do whatever you want, on the other side - you can shoot yourself in both foots, stomach and then in the head pretty quickly. just assume, that if you haven’t spent couple of weeks labbing QoS on real hardware - it’s area that you shouldn’t wander alone in unsupervised ;) in very simple terms, either use dedicated GUI for managing campus networks - Cisco DNA Center or stop at either enabling QoS globally (mls qos) or disabling it (no mls qos). ...

August 29, 2020 · Łukasz Bromirski

bgp in the lab #2

update this project is still on, but at different IP. please refer to this updated description. old post below recent thread on nanog@ list got me back to old project that i was thinking about long time ago. and here it is - i just launched free-of-charge, load-your-router-with-full-live-bgp-feed service :) if you’re interested in joining the free project, disregard the information below and jump directly to latest version here ...

August 5, 2020 · Łukasz Bromirski

ASA and full BGP table(s)

while I already mentioned couple of times on this blog, that handling dynamic routing on firewall is asking yourself for unexpected problems, sometimes it’s needed. as Cisco, we don’t normally recommend using ASA or FTD boxes as full table BGP routers. not because they can’t be used in this role, but because we don’t believe it’s a good networking and security practice. here’s example from my home lab testing lab cluster of two ASA 5516-X, running 9.13(1) and getting full BGP feed from my upstream ASR 1001-X router: ...

March 21, 2020 · Łukasz Bromirski