confidence 2009 take 2 - post show

druga edycja CONFidence 2009 w tym roku, a już siódma ogólnie zakończyła się parę godzin temu. zgodnie z przewidywaniami mieliśmy dużo dobrej zabawy, całą rzeszę prelegentów wraz z ciekawymi sesjami i oczywiście - was. widzów, uczestników i aktywnych współtwórców konferencji (a przecież, jak doskonale wiemy, ostatnio nie każdy ma to szczęście :D). sesje i materiały z sesji, oraz materiały dodatkowe będą pojawiać się z czasem na stronie konferencji. moja prezentacja znajduje się jak zwykle w secji z prezentacjami. ...

November 20, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski

confidence 2009 take 2

już w najbliższy czwartek zaczyna się druga tegoroczna edycja konferencji poświęconej bezpieczeństwu - CONFidence. tym razem tematyka sesji jest jeszcze bardziej zróżnicowana niż ostatnio, co przypisać należy zapewne podróżom Andrzeja i tym, co widział na konferencjach zagranicznych :) z działki sieciowej pojawi się Felix Lindner, badacz IOSa. jego sesja niewątpliwie otwiera oczy, szczególnie osobom które uważają że ich producent sprzęt dostarcza rozwiązania lepszej jakości i bezpieczniejsze niż Cisco. będzie niewątpliwie ciekawa dla wszystkich, którzy uważają że Cisco nie robi dobrej roboty zabezpieczając Cisco IOS. pojawi się również Snadro Gauci opowiadając o bezpieczeństwie sieci VoIP a ja na koniec opowiem co nieco o atakowaniu i obronie sieci w których działa wiele różnych funkcjonalności, z których każda ma swoją specyfikę. ...

November 15, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski

westerplatte and our aces...

i’ve read two books recently, essentially as you can say ‘on one breath’. our polish books, important ones. first, legendary today is Black crosses over Poland by Stanisław Skalski. every military aviation fan should read this one, because it brilliantly and lively describes how it was in september 1939 to fight loosing war for polish sky. it was relentless, there was no integrated strategy, but pilots shown their best. cruel reality of second world war squeezed and twisted their lifes and they tried to live through it. would our current generation fare so well as they did? Robert Gretzyngier wrote ‘second part’ to this book - Poles in defense of Great Britain. i highly recommend for all of those that want to check what was after Skalskis book ends, and how despite Great Britain failed us as ally - we still fought for their freedom. ...

September 27, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski

H1N1 vs humanity and computer viruses

very interesting article, that led to writing this even more interesting article, describing how computer viruses compare to human.

September 5, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski

drama at Radom - double drama it is

probably everyone watching TV and listening to the radio, or with Internet access knows about Belarussian Su-27 crash. two-seater version went down, killing both pilot and weapons operator. the flight itself, before the crash, was beautiful - as usual in the case of russian fighters. the real honor for sacrifice goes however to both pilot and weapons operator. why? despite the fact, that the fighter hit high voltage lines and they were perfectly capable of ejecting, they decided against. they were positioned directly in front of the small estate. so, in split second both of them decided not to eject and instead, seconds before crash, they redirected their struck bird right into nearby forest. having done that however, they’ve lost time they could use to eject. essentially - they sacrificed their lives for people below them. ...

August 30, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski

freebsd 8

there’s a very interesting page that shows what’s upcoming in FreeBSD 8 release.

August 15, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski

ip sla and shell scripting

i had a problem yesterday - i needed to generate at least a dozen packets per second minimum between two connected devices (without ability to insert PC or traffic generator between them - that was Catalyst 3550 and 4900M). traffic needed to be exchanged over a time frame of several hours, so ping from console line wasn’t feasible either. the solution was pretty straightfoward - ip sla. as Catalyst 4900M was to be under test, on Catalyst 3550 i created two VRFs: ...

May 30, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski

openbsd network stack...

…as described by Claudio Jeker during last AsiaBSDCon can be found here and here for whitepaper. Henning Brauer, on the other hand, gave a very good packet filtering session and OpenBSD network stack in general during DC BSDCon 2009. video can be found here and slides here.

April 19, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski


during previous PLNOG we’ve had a broad discussion about apocalyptic vision of depleting IPv4 and 2-byte space. some time ago Cisco IOS 12.4(24)T was released, and it brings 4-byte ASN feature for ISR (1800/2800/3800) and 7200 routers. so if you’re using Cisco gear, you can request 4 byte ASN using RIPE form, and then advertising it properly (starting from 1st of January, 2009 RIPE will by default hand out 4 byte ASNs). i’m taking a peek into the global routing tables from time to time, while preparing for CONFidence presentation. ...

March 13, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski

layer 2 and 3 security - live demo

if you haven’t seen my practical demonstration at SecureCON 2007, you can see extended version on this thursday - i’ll be visiting AGH in Cracow at 7:45pm to do “show & tell” session as part of netWork sessions. session will be extended as we’ll have more time. photos can be found here and more information about the session itself can be found here.

February 20, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski