boost license in ISR 4000 routers

ISR 4000s have the capability to “license” throughput. the solution was built this way with clear goal in mind. previously it was hard to estimate how given router will perform under some random set of features. the CPU driven routers by themselves have a lot of challenges to address, so measuring performance and then sticking to it with each and every new software release was simply unrealistic. we published “kpps” numbers, but then got heat from our Customers, when performance was lower with each and every enabled service. with ISR 4000 we decided to go different route - the router is “good” for up to specific bandwidth - with all services enabled. that means it can go faster, but initially we limited this capability. ...

December 10, 2018 · Łukasz Bromirski

does SDN means end of the world for CCIE?

quite recently Piotr Jabłoński, one of the best architects and consultants in Polish Cisco Systems office presented session very similar to this post topic during our CCIE club meeting. independently, this topic is often brought back on forum, and Mirek Burnejko asked for couple of comments with regards to growth of whitebox networking. so… does rise of SDN really mean end of the world for CCIE? yes and no. let’s define first what’s SDN at all, because as you can imagine - there’s bunch of definitions. so, for the sake of the post, lets assume SDN is: ...

January 4, 2015 · Łukasz Bromirski

world IPv6 day...

a year ago, the idea was to test the wide range of different IPv6 implementations and solutions. this year, we’re gathering together to turn on IPv6 - in the devices, on the portals - and let it be on forever. the idea is World IPv6 launch - worth reading about and obviously joining yourself. cisco is part of the initiative and again the first vendor to join it.

January 17, 2012 · Łukasz Bromirski

confidence 2009 take 2 - post show

druga edycja CONFidence 2009 w tym roku, a już siódma ogólnie zakończyła się parę godzin temu. zgodnie z przewidywaniami mieliśmy dużo dobrej zabawy, całą rzeszę prelegentów wraz z ciekawymi sesjami i oczywiście - was. widzów, uczestników i aktywnych współtwórców konferencji (a przecież, jak doskonale wiemy, ostatnio nie każdy ma to szczęście :D). sesje i materiały z sesji, oraz materiały dodatkowe będą pojawiać się z czasem na stronie konferencji. moja prezentacja znajduje się jak zwykle w secji z prezentacjami. ...

November 20, 2009 · Łukasz Bromirski